PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT PROPOSED BUDGET FOR BARRETT TOWNSHIP Pursuant to Section 3202 of the Second Class Township Code, the Board of Supervisors of Barrett Township hereby gives public notice that the proposed budget for Barrett Township for fiscal year 2025 is available for public inspection at the Barrett Administrative & Recreation Complex (BARC) at 1200 Route 390, Cresco, Pennsylvania 18326, during regular business hours. The proposed budget will be presented for final approval and adoption at a regular meeting of the Board scheduled on December 11, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. at the BARC. Any and all interested persons are invited to inspect the proposed budget, to attend the meeting where adoption of the budget will be considered, and to offer such comments in relation to the proposed budget as they may desire. If you require any special accommodations to attend or participate in the meeting, please contact the Township at 570-595-2602 at least one business day in advance. WEITZMANN, WEITZMANN & HUFFMAN, LLC By: Todd W. Weitzmann, Esq. 700 Monroe Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Barrett Township Solicitors